Friday, January 13, 2012 is an Address that can save your Life." From Adilabad to Yamuna Nagar, from the most common blood group to the rarest, the site has a huge database of blood donors. So if you need blood, it's a good place to turn to. It's simple. It's effective. It's free. It can match you with a donor near you in minutes. And you can save the life of a loved one. You can also register as a blood donor at the site and save the life of someone else's loved one. Pass the message. And let's build a community that cares ! Register Now ! A Life Depends on it.

If you want to be a donor:

SMS Blood STD code blood group to 96655 00000

EX: "Blood 022 B+"

If you want blood:

SMS Donor STD code blood group to 96655 00000

EX: "Donor 022 B+"


1 comment:

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